Ways To Boost Your Body Image

“Health and fitness are, obviously, pretty important, but cultural imperatives such as achieving a “summer” body that you can flaunt on the beach can have little to do with either. (And I say that as someone who’s written a few articles thereon, however well-intentioned.) Indeed, exercise and eating well may seem inherently good, but can,…

Blog: My Marathon Journey

Running has been a big part of my life for many years. I’ve been fortunate enough to run marathons in amazing places such as Paris, New York, Chicago and Berlin. I am not a particularly quick runner but I do it to support my mental health. I was due to run the Barcelona Marathon in…

Blog: Si puedes soñarlo puedes hacerlo

Hello I hope you are well. This blog is being written whilst I am sat on a bench at the end of South Port pier. “Si puedes soñarlo puedes hacerlo” A good friend of mine recently said this to me, he is Spanish. It translates to if you can dream it, you can do it….

Get Active Month: Rest is prepation too

In just over a week I am aiming to compete my mental health 10k run. I am training for this event to make sure I am race ready for 1 May. I am following a workout schedule to prepare for this, but that does not mean that rest and recovery time has gone out of…

Get Active Blog: The Journey

I often get asked why exercise is so important to me.  Mainly I enjoy it, the escapism, the challenge and the feeling of progression.  Not only that, it helps me manage a medical condition and it has been essential for my mental health since 2007. My fitness journey has never been about just one thing,…

Blog: A time to reflect

Happy New Year! I hope 2021 brings good health and happiness to you all. Over the Christmas break, I was watching the Gavin and Stacey Christmas special from 2019 with my wife. It triggered a conversation as to how different “our world” was just 12 months ago when we had watched it previously. My initial…

Should You Try A Sleep Workout? It’s The Latest Bedtime Trend

There’s been a 90% increase in interest for sleep yoga, year on year. With 2020 being the year our sleep officially took a turn for the worse, it’s unsurprising so many of us are turning to Pinterest for sleep inspiration.A 2021 trends predictions report from the social media site says there’s been a 90% increase…

How To Embrace Alone Time (And Even Start Enjoying It)

Do you enjoy your own company? It’s a simple enough question, but before 2020, those of us who usually packed our calendars to their limits may have been stumped on the answer. But this year, we’ve had to confront head on our relationship with time spent alone. For some, the solitude this year has been…

Article: Christmas & Fitness

December is a time for eating, drinking and being merry as the festive season draws in. This also means the holiday period is notoriously difficult for our healthy eating habits and exercise regimes. Lets think about Christmas… Many people abandon fitness and workouts during the Christmas period (or even December as a whole). Staying active…

Back to Running, week 3

New running shoes have really helped make a difference for me. I was rinning before in a more general pair of gym trainers. Which are great for weight lifting, but not so supportive for running. I have always struggled to find comfortable shoes, especially for fitness activities. To add to it, England is currently in…