Blog: My Marathon Journey

Running has been a big part of my life for many years. I’ve been fortunate enough to run marathons in amazing places such as Paris, New York, Chicago and Berlin. I am not a particularly quick runner but I do it to support my mental health. I was due to run the Barcelona Marathon in…

Blog: Pandemic Wellbeing

Happy weekend to you all. I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend and also managing to keep safe. The reports of how the pandemic has once again escalated is certainly worrying in many respects. It is understandable if you are finding the current situation difficult to process. Here in England we are not in a…

How To Cope If The Omicron News Has Resurfaced Anxiety, Anger And Despair

Up until a couple of weeks ago, the majority of us had never heard of ‘Omicron’, now it’s all over the news. Personally, I’ve found it quite difficult. Everywhere I look, it’s news about potential further restrictions, tests, booster jabs etc etc. There is a very good article from Huffington Post that covers ‘Things are…

Pandemic work stress

The pandemic has impacted us all in one way or another. For some people the impact has been huge, for others its been more of a tweak to their life style. We are all unique, therefore how it has affected us is also unique. For me I’ve been working at home since late February 2020,…

Signs You’re Using Avoidance To Cope As Lockdown Eases

This really hit home to me and how it relates to those close to me. It’s a psychological survival tool that’s totally normal right now. To say the past year has been mentally challenging would be the understatement of the century. Our living arrangements, intimate relationships and working patterns – three areas of our lives that have a huge bearing on…