Blog: Don’t Man Up

19 November was World Men’s Day. I’m a day late in sharing this, but such is life. Mental health is our health. It isn’t just about this one day. Today I want to shine a light on the stigma that surrounds mental health. The world we live in is full of stereotypes. When it comes…

Blog: The Basics

I’ll start out by saying this is the first attempt I’ve made at writing a blog for over a month. I was ill with covid and my one my cats died very suddenly. I’ve been taking time to focus on myself, my own needs and recovery. You might call that selfish, I call it self…

The Importance of Travel

Travel can often be seen as a form of escapism, a way to disconnect from the stresses and strains of daily life. However, travel can do much more for our wellbeing than just provide an escape. In fact, there is a wealth of evidence to suggest that travel can have a hugely positive impact on…

Blog: It’s been a while

Apologies for not posting for some time, life has got in the way recently. Like many, I’ve had good days and bad days over the last few months. Since relocating overseas, my days have become busier, meaning I’m having less ‘me time’. It took me a while to actually recognise that I needed to stop…

Start with Strength and Stability

‘Cardio may get you fit but to stay off the bench, you need strength and stability’. As we head into 2023, you may have personal fitness goals. This article from Fatherly, gives us some isometric exercises to prevent injury and get stronger:

The Epidemic Of Male Loneliness

According to a 2019 survey, nearly 1 in 5 men felt like they had no close friends. This fantastic article from Mind Journal gives some great advice and guidance: Please feel free to also reach out to James or I via the contact us page. You’ve got this.

Blog: Urgent Action

** This blog was written on 2 November – which was also world stress day ** I was presenting a training course today and one element of the session was looking at bad coping techniques for stress. The section of the training course I was delivering used an example not to overwork as a coping…

Wellbeing in Dubai

Looking after our own personal wellbeing is vitally important. We are unable to care for others without looking us as an individual. Some activities can be very expensive but self care does not have to cost much at all. I recently read a great article by TimeOut that was particularly helpful for me as someone…

Blog: Weak?

If I was to be assessed against the gender stereotype for a man or masculinity I would probably be classified as • Weak • Pathetic • A loser • Not manly • Emotional • Not a real man I am unafraid of sharing how I feel. We all have days where we feel like crap….

Why You Struggle With Self-Care

“Self-care is essential. Prioritise it”, this article from Psychology Today covers a very interesting topic covering the kind of things that stop men taking care of themselves: